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Silence - Melathonin and Meditation

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 14 Dec 2016

  (...previous) In fact, if the left side of the brain is connected with reason, consciousness and rationality, then it is logical that it should contain such impregnation, as one day, when the being remembers God, this will constitute a certainty based on intelligent reason, with no shadow of doubt, since it will present itself so evident and so rational that it will be real, the Existence of God. On the other hand, if such impregnation were located in the right side of the brain, it would only be an intuition, which is not a certainty, as an intuition can be mistaken. Therefore, located as it is in the more rational side of the brain, the left hemisphere, it presents itself logically as real.

At birth, the brain of every human being is impregnated with certain elementary specific characters. However, evidently it is only possible to consciously gain access to the Memory of God when a certain level of spiritual development has been attained, through the purification of thoughts, emotions and actions. The higher the level of development, the greater the absorption of this Memory (God’s Presence) and the way it shows us our divine filiation. The developing spiritual path constitutes a cycle in which in an increasingly intense interaction with spirit (the Higher Self), the mind is cleaned and purified, enabling this area of the brain to develop itself in order to remember God. The closer we are to the Higher Self the greater the union with God.
The human brain has a rudimentary consciousness of its own cerebral matter, but consciousness of oneself arises through the spirit. Thus, the consciousness is linked to the brain or the mind through the pineal gland. In the brain there are “luminous” cells and “silent” areas which are stimulated by amino acids, which are produced in the pineal gland and will benefit these areas.
One way to activate these cells is through Meditation, because it is in silence that more Melathonin is produced; when increased amounts of fluid are thus created, this substance flows into areas that have never received it, as the human being is rarely able to produce sufficient Melathonin for its daily requirements. Thus, it is said that we do not even use fifty percent of our cerebral or mental faculties.

Descartes was already a dualist: he held that mental states and the brain were different things. Both the brain and the body are physical entities: they both exist in terms of size, weight and mass; however, the spirit does not. According to Descartes, there was a very pure, extremely subtle substance, which interacted with physical substance; transactions between matter and spirit took place within the pineal gland. Nowadays, scientists already attach importance to this organ!
The development of the brain depends on physical conditions: its formation as part of the embryo, at birth and during infancy, when certain stimuli, such as the cultural, social and religious, help to develop certain areas; when the brain has achieved a certain level of harmony, the soul can use it with more precision as its vehicle. In reality, the brain itself, in terms of potential, is a living, thinking entity: it is a machine which is ready to be set up for operation, but dependent on the Spirit, even though this one still has a small influence on it. If the Spirit only has a small influence on the brain, it is because of lack of spiritual development: the being still lives in a basic and rudimentary way within the limits of its intellectual faculties and Consciousness. There are certain cells in the brain which are not stimulated unless when one attains a certain level of maturity (spiritual development). Besides, if there is damage to the brain, communication between the neurotransmitters and between the hemispheres, or between the Mind and the Spirit, can be interrupted or impaired.
Thus we may conclude that the mechanisms of the brain are placed at the disposal of the Spirit, and the greater its perfection or efficiency, the greater the degree of Enlightenment.


Silence existed when the first Sound
arose at the Dawn of Manifestation.
Yet, the awesome noise did not harm the
Silence, imperturbable in Its Existing.
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