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Maitreya Comes With the Spiritual Order of Portugal

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 07 Jun 2006

  (...previous) When the business was nearly ready to start, I received from Master Jesus what follows: “at this moment you have two paths to choose one between the two: either the world or a nunnery”.
I was really surprised for I was not expecting to detach myself so early from my children. But, Beloved Master, how can I refrain from following Thee?
How can I be oblivious of Thy Presence, Thy Heart, Thy Light and Tenderness?
I considered the matter for a fortnight. What should be then necessary to do?
The answers from the Masters came in consequence of the inner acceptance I had made to such proposal. So when in meditation Lord Maitreya showing me the statue of Liberty, told me a firm categorical tone: “set yourself free”.
At that moment of the vision, I saw my renunciation to all my belongings and to myself. On one day in a state of love with Him, I received what I should do. Sell my flat and with that money look for the convent which He showed me as being in England. There was happiness and expectancy for the work to be done at the inner as well as external level of detachment, both in the area of the affections and the material one.
The enterprise I started was somehow difficult, for it is not easy for other people to understand that a person who has everything in life and is happy, may be capable to renounce everything for an ideal, mainly to one’s children. Only the love of God and the Masters could make change in me. Spiritual experiences and union with God grew stronger and stronger.
Before long, I had to understand that the sale of the flat was the highest point of renunciation, the starting point, besides my efforts in the achievement of such course of action. It was also necessary and very important, that my attitude should be a correct one regarding my renunciation, for everything depended on it. Then without fear, confiding in my own protection I undertook the way.
Many things started happening at the same time as it is usual in my life, in winter. The inner preparation was intensified. Besides painting, music was one the means used for that preparation. I became so sensitive to classical music that I could feel the angels as if they were the real musical notes, and started meditating on listening to it. I became thus more receptive to the higher planes.
Music is the living extension of the soul. It is a divine and sublime song inspired by the Creator to the soul, to accelerate its rise towards Eternity.
The ecstasy caused by music tends to manifest itself by degrees to the consciousness of Spirit; it expresses the harmony of the celestial spheres, of their angelic host and of the Creation of the Universe itself. It produces in the soul the dematerialization of the lower personality in order to expand in ourselves the definite feelings of the creator angel.
Music is an excellent means to cause the soul to reveal its most exalted moods.
I enrolled in intensive English courses and spent the rest of the time preparing to go to England. England, of course, but where? It is a large country. What kind of a convent was I going to look for? In this search I knew I had to be alone because my friends and relatives, if they knew about it would think it absurd, and would make difficult all my steps; I could only count on myself.
The Master warned me: “The flat will only be sold when you have all the elements in hand”.
It is clear for me that, all religions are valid, and although I am linked to Those who in the West are the Supreme Beings of the Catholic Church, and I had lived and still live in permanent contact with Them, it was in the Buddhist doctrine that I could find a better answer to my mental speculations. To the world, it may seem a paradox the Master Jesus having advised me the doctrine of His Brother the Lord Buddha (§), but to me They are equal; but for the moment and for the realization of my object and mission, it is a Buddhist community that offers the best conditions. Later on I could see that also because of karma it was Buddhism that suited me.
Buddhism has four lines, which was mine?
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