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by Maria

in 22 Sep 2008

  (...previous) When there is still energy of vengeance, anger or violence of any kind for the satisfaction of personal pleasures, there is no love, for that is incompatible. Love doesn’t side with violence, since violence manifests itself in hatred, pride, envy, feelings of possession, impatience; on the contrary, the beings of love have serenity and carry in their auras energies of hope, determination, will, purity, solemnity, noblesse and a great irradiation.
This is how the path to Amṛta (Immortality - Deathless. The Elixir of the “Power of Life”, the elixir of Immortality, which is manifested in the developed man and woman, through their spiritual progression, an example for all those who still live polarised in inferior thoughts, already mentioned before.
Amṛta is an energy or a substance produced in men or women when a certain level of illumination has been achieved. It consists of sediments of subtle energy.

It should not be confused with the kuṇḍalinī energy (subtle energy located within the body and responsible for the awakening of spiritual perception) which is an energy of life always present with greater or smaller degree of activity in all human beings. It gradually awakens throughout successive lives, until one day in some life of greater spiritual development, a stronger awakening might expand the Consciousness towards the direct knowledge of God. This is, when one becomes aware of the spiritual path and of the Unity allowing one to reach a certain state of felicity and gradually get into Samādhi, states of Grace and well-being.
But the Amṛta, the soma of the Gods, the elixir of immortality only surges after one reaches the previous mentioned state concerning the awakening of the kuṇḍalinī, towards Samādhi. It is in fact a different state and it may be recognised by its potency (not energetic as in kuṇḍalinī’s case) but omniscient of beauty and intelligence, having a sweet taste, intense, of such a degree of felicity that the person has turned into sweetness itself. This is felt through the whole organism, irradiating from the vertebral column slightly above the place where the kuṇḍalinī energy dwells, which in turn corresponds to the crown centre, the cusp of the head, the Lotus of thousand petals. It is the meeting point of the three centres: body, mind and Spirit. This is the unification of the Ego, which expresses the consummation of the Spirit and its consequent liberation by gathering all the subtle vehicles, through conscious realisation wherefore the evolving Will is applied, bringing thus a constructive and elevated trait for one’s own life. Man or woman turn themself into a blazing and shining light.

Amṛta is the antithesis of poison. Every impure state of the human being still remaining, whether physical, psychological or spiritual, contains poisonous elements that represent blocking subtle energies affecting the mind and the heart. Certain foods, the tamasic and rajasic, can also produce actual intoxications in the organism, which difficult the production of Amṛta. Higher thoughts and altruistic actions are thus required.
The result of Amṛta’s production is the real living in immortality (the deathless) not as perceived in the West, as emphasising someone who became notable for some heroic act, either social or cultural in terms of prestige. The true meaning of immortality doesn’t necessarily imply the recognition from the world, but rather to recognise the within through spiritual realisation, as an immortal being who survives beyond the physical death as Being, Spirit, as one’s true essence. In actual fact we are not only in essence but plainly, in reality, a body entity, although with subtle ethereal and energetic substance simultaneously, in a existential reality of planes akin to that essence.
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