Fundação Maitreya

de Maria

em 05 Mai 2008

  The way Philosophies relating to Meditation are understood, especially in the West today, be it Yoga or others from India, be it Buddhism in its various traditions, tends to empty out its religious, mystic and spiritual content. Truly dispersing corporal and external actions are overvalued, moving away and considerably inverting the true spiritual and original meaning of the doctrines, methods or religions.

And the reason for Meditation

The way Philosophies relating to Meditation are understood, especially in the West today, be it Yoga or others from India, be it Buddhism in its various traditions, tends to empty out its religious, mystic and spiritual content. Truly dispersing corporal and external actions are overvalued, moving away and considerably inverting the true spiritual and original meaning of the doctrines, methods or religions.

Yoga is practiced without spiritual foundation, and consequently without a safe and honest base conducive to self-realization, which is Meditation’s true purpose. The Yoga’s basis, be it Patañjali’s, Rāja-Yoga, be it other systems, is in reality only and exclusively made for human transcendency and towards the encounter with the Absolute, whether it be named Īśvara or Samādhi in Yoga’s case, Brahman or Non-Existence in Vedānta’s case and other Indian philosophies, Emptiness or Nirvāna in Buddhism’s case, and so on.
Zen meditation is practiced just because it is fashionable or because peace is wanted at all costs, without deepening the Buddhist philosophy which is the support for a higher mental attitude, thus turning the practice devoid of a higher sense of sublimation or spiritual realization. In fact, many people are desperately looking for peace, but they never find it because they forgot God. Peace will only be restored in our heart by meeting Him.

Why meditate?

As mentioned above, one cannot dissociate the practices of Meditation from its most sacred content, which is the transcendent religious meaning, the respect for life, for oneself and for others, conducing to one’s fundamental reason of our existence: to become more aware of the Divine, without separations from the sacred and the profane. Meditation has its origins in India, where illumination is a topic so frequently spoken about, having as its ultimate aim the ending of the multiple earthly incarnations. In fact the way to illumination is a path of holiness.
In order that Meditation practice may be efficient, certain rules are required and few are those who accept to submit themselves to the discipline of an authentic tradition, and also few are the ones who are capable to maintain their own discipline freely. However, it ought to be remembered that the true motive or reason to meditate is the Union, or Samādhi, as it is known in Indian terminology. Only with this objective in mind will self-transformation occur in the joy of higher realities; since wanting peace of mind only to overcome stress, ends in but a mistake, a self-delusion.

Both human and spiritual realisation is achieved through Meditation, and this means transcendency. Transcending oneself through spiritual realization is fundamental on the path of freedom from earthly bonds. And a devotional surrender to God is not enough, where most of the times enough knowledge of Him is seldom found, as well as recognising one’s psychological and physical fragilities through intelligence, comprehending that they result from a lack of spiritual development. Overcoming our weaknesses is not running away from problems but the opposite; Meditation is useful to make us conscious and destroy through comprehension those hindrances which block mind and body. To transcend is to find an intelligent way of living that which we are as a human being, in its noblest aspect, being responsible by one’s own well-being and happiness. Meditation provides that strength and equilibrium required to fight the weaknesses, be it laziness, anger, indolence, selfishness etc.
There are people who even delight themselves in their own debilities and enjoy being victims of something, always blaming somebody else for their own weaknesses. A being who enterprises the task of knowing himself, will recognize that feelings such as melancholy, discouragement, anger, revolt and many others are inferior and emotionally destroy the mind and corrode the heart. Facing this discovery he finds in himself the reason to destroy those feelings. This means being Conscious. And every time these kinds of feelings arise, they simply must be banished from the mind.

The termination of limitations and reaching higher states of human and spiritual being are profound reasons to meditate. Meditation clarifies the mind and makes it easier for us to find out our own obstacles.
One learns to be self sufficient from this integration of Consciousness, not blaming others for our individual frustrations and disgraces and thus understanding that suffering is caused by our own mind, which eventually may become sick. All illnesses derive from the mind, caused in this or previous lives.*
Meditation strengthens and structures the brain, since quieting the mind and through silence, the brain has the chance to establish its rhythm and assure a healthy mind. Most people’s mind is chaotic, always thinking, drowned in confusion. In a calm mind, lucidity and noblesse of thought stand out, issuing a major equilibrium and contributing to the consequent expansion of consciousness. Therefore, transcendency is a sign of inner strength, growth, mental, psychological and spiritual qualifying.

Evolution or expansion of consciousness may also be processed by lightning, as sudden moments of mental clarity, comprising momentary understandings, so clear and penetrating that they remain in Consciousness as a given fact, which constitutes an act of self-realization. This search for realization which consists of divesting, detachment and renunciation, develops values or virtues which overcome all obstacles and appearances. Detachment is the required condition in the spiritual life, whether from external objects or mundane delusions or whether from oneself being deceived in concepts, pride, ambitions and self-conceit.
Divesting or detachment from desires means liberation from the desire’s oppression. However, it requires a long way where desires disappear by sublimation, ceasing one to be their slave. Renunciation consists of freeing ourselves from everything superfluous.
All Indian philosophies, including Buddhism, speak of this transcendency through the integration of incresased awareness. In the Yoga-Sūtras we find that it is by concentration through samyama that afflictions are destroyed; in Advaita Vedānta it is by becoming aware of Brahman, God; in Jainism it is by conscious renunciation of desires, and in Buddhism it is through mindfulness that we end all suffering, here and now.

Concluding, Meditation is the safe and transparent way to spiritual realization. It is safe because it depends only on each one, by being honest with oneself in a correct attitude towards life. It is always “at hand” to be used when necessary; it does not depend on time and space, requiring only firmness towards the objective, which is the Divine Union. Transparent, because it is free from ritual, dogmatic doctrines, mental and spatial conditioning and is open to remote horizons that transcend the fetters and conflicting problems of earthly life. It leads to the freedom of self-realization, where Realization leads to Liberation.
I quote some brief passages on Meditation included in some of my other books:
“Meditation: its practice produces a potent tonic which revitalizes all cells, since it provides a fountainhead of vibrations from one’s own Higher Being and Spirit, which by irradiation of beneficial energies, lifts and fortifies the mind, awakening Divine wisdom. Meditation constitutes a form of controlling one’s own energetic flux, allowing the realization of the correct relationship between mind and God”.

“God may manifest Himself in beings through different ways and according to their degree of consciousness. Thus, both His Irradiation of Love and His Intelligence are received at different levels, whose intensity varies according to one’s spiritual readiness. That Irradiation may come as a balsam of light directed to the heart, expanding it, yet depending on the receiver, since the more purity and faith one has the higher his capacity to embrace the flux of Divine energy is, which in turn, penetrates the being’s deep inner layer, producing that state called samādhi”.
“Another form of His manifestation happens when one is ready to receive God in his mind, and knows how to simultaneously enter the Mind of God. Through inner Realization, Knowledge and Intelligence, one knows, recognises and loves God, not only with the heart but also with his brain, intelligently”.

“In reality, the objective of human evolution is to know God intelligently, that is: to obtain through Will, the capacity to communicate with God or Divine Mind by Conscious reason. Illumination represents this Knowledge, this responsibility, and sets the mind on the Pure reason, Crystalline. Oneness with God is an intelligent relationship. To penetrate the Divine Essence by intelligent reason is what makes man fully Aware. In this Holy communion man is diluted in the pure energy of God’s Mind, as God is Intelligence. This Intelligence can manifest itself as a crystalline whitest light, flowing through the brain and propagating as a wave of light or sound, free from all obstacles, spreading through the mind. This is a high samādhi which is only realised by those who know or are sure about God”

Karma * – It would be very unfair if there were no possibility to repair karma, which is the accumulation of bad actions in each life. This represents a Pandora box, which opens when required, as a transmuting recollection of corrupted energies. Karma is the crystallization of dharma. That is what contributes for a continuous line of lives, until the total transcendence of all actions, thus ending karma and dharma.



Impresso em 27/7/2024 às 3:34

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